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Referência Bibliográfica

MELO, C.S., PIMENTEL, A., JOHNSON, M.E., ARRUDA, S.A., ÁVILA, S.P. (2022) – Bringing fossil sites to public: the Virtual Reality PROTOtype of Pedra-que-pica fossiliferous outcrop (Santa Maria Island, Azores). 6th International Palaeontological Congress, 7-11 de novembro, Khon Kaen, Tailandia.​​


Fossiliferous outcrops provide remarkable information that allows for a better understanding of past events and what the future outcomes might be. However, fossil sites are often inaccessible to the public due to their remote location. In addition, they are often at risk of being destroyed by erosion or human activity. This is the case of the Pedra-que-pica outcrop on Santa Maria Island (Azores). This exceptional coquina from the Pliocene epoch provides unique insights into what marine life was like in the Central North Atlantic 5 Ma ago. To overcome safety and preservation issues, a virtual reality prototype of Pedra-que-pica was developed, built through a 360º experience, in which users start by watching a 2-minute 360º video explaining why, when, and how the outcrop has formed. In the end, they can virtually explore the site freely. This is the first virtual reality prototype of this kind of a fossil outcrop, and we hope that others will begin to develop a similar approach to other key locations.

